Head scratchers
2003-09-23 ~ 8:41 a.m.

I read in a magazine recently - you know, one of those heavy, thought provoking, intelligent tomes, like People - that women tend to check out other women MORE than men do.

WTF?? Don't get me wrong, I'm a champ at comparing my flaws to some other woman's, and I usually end up feeling depressed because their breasts/ass/legs/hair/clothes is/are better than mine. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why are women so occupied with looking so good? Is it a deep-seated insecurity that makes us do this? Consider this - in most of the animal kingdom, it's the male who does most of the work in the good-looks department. They have the brightly coloured plumage, or the beautiful full manes, and they spend all their time trying to attract a mate.

Exactly where on the evolutionary track did the human race get this all backwards?

Another "huh?" item from this weekend - I find it strange that the US (and Canada, and a great deal of the western world) has millions of people trying to stop eating and lose weight, when over in Africa, or Asia, or even in our own cities, there are people without enough to eat. How twisted is this? This great planet can sustain all of us, yet we have food to waste, while they would make a feast off our leftovers. Thinking about that really made me grateful for what I have. I just wish the rest of the world would wake up and realize that there is more than enough to share. No one should go hungry in this day and age.

Speaking of obesity, I lost 2 pounds last week. Forgive me if I don't wax enthusiastic about this. For all I know, it could have just been water weight. Oh well. It's a start, and I'm in this for the long haul.

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