Fun facts about the Gym and other random thoughts
2003-10-03 ~ 8:48 a.m.

A few things I've learned from going to the gym:

1) Even though I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick than get up at 6 in the morning, after I work out and shower, I feel terrific - I'm hyper, cheerful and ready to face the day. As opposed to the dragging my ass, snarling at co-workers, and snoozing at my desk type person I normally am.

2) Whatever is in the water at the gym does wonders for my hair. When I blow dry it there, my hair does exactly what I want it to do. It's lively, bouncy, shiny, and is as ready to face the day as I am. However, if I skip the gym and do my hair at home, it looks like an animal gasped its last breath on top of my hair. Two weeks ago.

I believe I'm going to join a volleyball league. If I can find one in this god-forsaken city. Maybe I can find some places that play pick-up v-ball. V-ball kicks ass, and I used to be quite good at it. We'll see if the old skills can be remembered.


In other news, I caught the latest CSI last night, and wow. Was it ever gross-tastic. They're seriously upping the ick factor this season. Was it necessary to see them emptying the bathtub like that??

I'm SOOO happy the Bachelor is back on. I love the cattiness, the talking behind peoples backs, and I love BOB! He's so cute. Even the annoying laugh is cute. I hope he ends up with someone cool.....not a "bunny-boiler", as D. likes to call some of the girls.

Thank fuck it's Friday. If this week lasted any longer, I'd have to slit my wrists......

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