Cats, being sick, and a milestone
2003-10-22 ~ 11:27 a.m.

Sick as a dog.

What does that mean anyway? Are dogs regularily sick? I don't get it. Most dogs I see are happy, energetic, blissfully able to lick their own butts.

It should be sick as a cat - as in my cat, Harry - because every day without fail he deposits some sort of carepackage on our rug. It's usually brown in colour, although if he's been outside eating grass it then becomes a nice browny-green. With bits of undigested grass in it. Yum.

I'll have to ask the vet why he does that. I'll also have to ask about my other cat, Tika. Lately I've noticed that she's lost a lot of fur around her belly. Now, she's a very skittish cat - never lets you pick her up, runs away when you walk near her - so it's not very often I get a glimpse of her belly. The other night tho, she was feeling a little hussy-ish, so she sidled up to me on the bed and proceeded to try to head-rub me into unconciousness. I had put an arm around her to hug her and dragged her into my lap (she hates that, and I'm all for making their little lives miserable....hee). That's when I noticed a little pink-ness around her bikini area (my cats are both black, so it was noticeable).

OK, back on topic. This entry was supposed to be about my getting sick last week and missing three days of work. I'm better now, but currently my head and lungs are chock full of tasty phlegm that refuses to evacuate, no matter how hard I blow my nose or cough. I spent 3 days in near-semi-conciousness, lying on my bed and catching up on my trash tv. By Friday evening, when D. came home, I was ready to kill something out of sheer boredom.

Have I ever mentioned that Chicago is a kick-ass movie? If not, allow me to express how much I loved Richard Gere's smarminess, Renee's drive to be a star, and Catherine's - well, Catherine's EVERYTHING! She can sing and dance like nobody's business. And Queen Latifah's introduction number is FABulous. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

D. and I reached our 2nd anniversary yesterday. It's an unofficial anniversary now that we're married, but I still think October 20th, 2001 was the best day of my life, because I got together with the best man that ever lived. Happy anniversary, babe!

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