I have no snappy title for this entry!!!
2003-11-18 ~ 1:37 p.m.

I won't bore all you non-astronomy folk, but I have to mention what an AWESOME time I had on Saturday night. We went out to a dark sky area outside of town, and let's just say the gods were appeased, because the conditions couldn't have been better. I saw Saturn - so beautiful, with it's rings and bands of clouds. I also got up close and personal with the moon - one of the guys had a kick ass view through his scope. It was like I could reach out and touch it.

And those were only 2 of the highlights from the night. Man, I am SO hooked on this!

Played v-ball last night, and it's nice to report that I'm not sore today. Yay! It means the muscles are (albeit reluctantly) getting used to the movement.

Caught the Eukanuba Super Dogs show at the Corel Centre yesterday - god those puppies are sooo cute, and soooo talented! And they love to do this shit! Even the little ones - the trainers were exerting all their effort into holding them back! The best part about it? Most of these animals are shelter rescues. Go see it if it ever shows up in your city. That kind of effort deserves serious support!

Mom and dad won't be coming for Christmas, it seems. Bummer. It's just way too expensive for them to come over at that time. Hopefully they'll be able to make it in the New Year.

I feel different lately. I don't know if it's the astronomy thing, or the volleyball thing, but it feels like I'm out there doing my own thing. I mean, I always did my own thing, but I've tried to keep within my comfortable zone. I'd never join a group unless I knew someone in it, and I've kept to my small circle of friends, only expanding it through them. But now it's different. It's like I'm spreading my wings for the first time, thinking outside the box, as it were. I like it though. It's given me more confidence. And I love how supportive D. is being. He is so understanding and encouraging.

Did I ever mention how much I love him?

Maybe someday I'll even fulfill a secret dream of mine and try taking some acting lessons....or join a small community theatre.


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