Be quiet, for the love of God!!!!!
2004-01-23 ~ 11:11 a.m.

I hate to say this, but I really want to kill my husband.

Mind you, I still love him to death (heh) and he still rocks and sends me flowers for my b-day and all, but he snores.

He doesn't snore loudly, although now and then he can put out a really good ear-splitter. And I'm not one of those really light sleepers. But the fact remains....if I don't fall asleep first, because if I don't, I won't fall asleep at all. He snores almost instantly - and this boy can crash between one breath and the next. It's awe-inspiring how fast he can fall asleep. If I do fall asleep first, and wake up in the middle of the night, it's impossible for me to go back to sleep.

Solution? Earplugs. And they work mah-velously. Bliss....quiet.....snooze......ahhhhhh.....

Yeah. For every good idea, there has to be a down side, right? Wearing earplugs means that I can't hear the alarm go off - so I have to depend on D. to wake me up in the mornings. No problem. Sometimes this goes awry....if he doesn't know I've put the plugs in sometime during the night, he doesn't realize that the unmoving lump beside him isn't really refusing to hear the alarm, but actually can't hear it. This has caused me to be late for work on some days. Like today.

*sigh* I woke up at around 3 am, for some unknown reason. As I lay there, I was thinking to myself that it seemed like D. knew exactly when I was awake - because he wouldn't snore for the first minute or two. Just as I was getting comfy and my eyes were drifting shut.......Yep. The quiet rumble of his nasal passages clogging up (or whatever it is they do).

I tried to use a yoga technique I learned for relaxation - picture a clear blue sky, with a few puffy clouds passing by. These clouds are your problems. Touch them and then let them go by. Right. My sky, when I started picturing it, was totally overcast. Not a good start. After about 10 minutes of this, I gave up and put the plugs in.

Incidentally, the plugs are also the source of the "Ozzy" incident several months back. Remind me to write about that sometime. It's a good story.

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