Fun things to do with a cup....heh.....
2004-10-06 ~ 10:25 a.m.


I'm being referred to a gynocologist to check out my bits and pieces. It's been a year of trying to get pregnant and.....well, you would know if I was.

D. went in for a physical today and they want to do a sperm count on him. Hee. I volunteered to help him out with that, of course.

Then, whilst he was bitching about having to masturbate into a cup (which he does anyway - well, not into a cup, but you know what I mean), I started to get a little peeved. I looked at him and asked:

"What the fuck are you sqwawking about??"

"It's undignified" came the response.

"Uh-huh. Maybe you'd like to come in while I get my pap smear done, eh? Then you'd know what undignified is."

"Yeah, but..."

"But nothing. All you have to do is perform a pleasurable activity into a cup, while I have all the unpleasant and invasive tests. Puh-leeze."

He thought about that for a sec, then opened his mouth to speak. I interrupted him:

"Unless the next words out of your mouth are 'honey, I totally get where you're coming from and completely sympathize with you, and I'm a total prat for having been such a self-centred prick', I don't want to hear it."

He closed his mouth.

Anyway, it'll be interesting getting the tests done. D. and I have discussed just how far we would go in order to have children, and we're in total synch - we'll make sure our plumbing is in good order, and if all is well, we'll keep plugging away (so to speak). D.'s best friend and his wife are currently getting fertility treatment and are doing the IVF thing. That's not for us. First, we just don't want to go through the emotional roller coaster for a treatment that is only, what? 30% successful? Maybe? If the odds were better, I'd think about it. Second, the money. I just don't think that we want to be parents bad enough to invest that kind of cash. I'm not the kind of woman that feels like I have to procreate in order to feel complete. If it happens, it happens. Otherwise, it wasn't meant to be. We have 5 nieces and nephews who we adore and we can focus our energies on being a great aunt and uncle.

Hey! I forgot to mention! We sold our house on Friday. Woo hoo! Well, it's not official yet, but hopefully all will be done in the next week or so. Now I have to focus on picking colours for the new place. *sigh* I'm still looking for inspiration. I've come up with a few ideas, but none of them have the "Yes! This is it!" factor.

The bottle of wine didn't help. Maybe next time I should bring two.

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