2004-10-07 ~ 10:16 a.m.

I cried all the way to work today.

I'm so tired. The past week, maybe two, I've been waking up cranky and irritable (well, worse than usual). I'm not sleeping well - I'll get a couple of hours before being woken up by D. Even though I have earplugs in, I can still hear him snore. I feel like a zombie.

I think what pushed me over the edge was when I asked him if he had mentioned to the doctor yesterday about the snoring. He just looked at me and said, no, it hadn't even crossed his mind.

Maybe it's cause I'm over tired, but I was so hurt by him saying that. It made me feel like it wasn't important enough for him to think about. I guess it isn't - after all, he's not having trouble sleeping. I was so stunned that I just walked away and left for work without kissing him goodbye - a first for us.

I wake up feeling angry and frustrated. I know it's not really logical to be angry with him - he's not doing it on purpose. It's just hard to be reasonable when it's 3 AM and you've woken up for the 8th time and can't get back to sleep.

I fear it's come to me sleeping in another room. With earplugs, of course, as I can still hear him from other rooms. This saddens me, as I love to have my husband near me when I sleep. To roll over and curl up against his back, or to have him wrap his arm around me and spoon, it's so comforting and....just feels so right. But I don't see any other option. I don't even know how to bring this up with him without seeming like I'm angry or nagging.

*sigh*....the little emoticon dude at the right says it all.

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